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Expressive Arts
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Art and Design: Our curriculum offers children different techniques and skills which uses a wide range of different media e.g pencils, paint, clay, printing, etc. The curriculum encourages children to develop their own creative and artistic style as well as to hone in on the detail of the world around them. Appreciation of art is also part of the curriculum and children are offered learning opportunities to look at famous artwork and artists.

Drama: In Miller Primary we encourage children to express themselves and develop their own responses to different forms of Drama. We teach children skills and knowledge through a variety of different experiences which can use their topic as a basis. Children are encouraged to perform throughout the year to develop their confidence and parents are often invited along.

Music: The curriculum for music includes singing, learning to play /identify instruments, music appreciation, learning to read music where possible and also learning musical language. We have the additional benefit of Kodaly music in the infants where an instructor comes in to work with the children on interaction and musical development. We also have a brass instructor who comes into the school and she offers children instruction in brass instruments free of charge.


Miller Music Clubs:  We run a school choir from Primary 4 for 7 and the choir perform regularly at school events and also within the community. The school also has a Samba band for children from P5-P7. We always encourage children to join both these clubs.