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Literacy and English
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Literacy and English:


This curricular area covers listening and talking, reading and writing. Children are given a wide range of different learning experiences and activities which promote critical and creative thinking in all aspects of literacy.


Children are taught phonics, before, during and after reading strategies which helps them to read a variety of different texts. The school uses a variety of reading sources rather than one particular scheme. We have book banded all our books so that children can read a variety of texts across a level.


Children are also given the opportunity to practice different genres of writing throughout their seven years including linking this to ICT such as writing an email or a tweet. Grammar and spelling are taught throughout the school and handwriting also forms part of our writing curriculum.


In addition, children are given the skills, experience and confidence to listen and talk in different contexts and different groupings. Children learn about the different roles involved in working as a group and they are given experience in each role.