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Back to Basics

In 2023, we are going back to basics and we would appreciate your support to ensure that the children are living out our values.

• Please ensure your child comes to school wearing the full school uniform which is blue or black trousers or skirt or pinafore, a shirt and tie or light blue polo top and a navy-blue jumper. School uniform helps to promote a sense of belonging and helps to promote equality.

• Attendance levels were poor in the school last term and we need to improve this for children in order for children to learn and achieve their maximum potential. Please ensure you send your child to school everyday on time. If your child is unwell, please call the absence line on the following number: 0141 287 0039. The Home Support Worker will be involved if your child’s attendance continues to fall without you contacting us to tell us why your child is absent.

• Promoting Positive Behaviour:
All children are expected to show respect for everyone in school and to follow the 3 school rules:

Ready- listen, work and learn
Safe – make safe choices
Respectful – kind, patience and honest

All children deserve the right to play and learn in a place where they are respected and in which they feel like they belong.

Following our school rules will help children feel part of Team Miller and to feel respected.

If a child is not following the rules, then Parents /Carers will be contacted to discuss the next steps.

Please help your child by constantly using these rules at home and ensuring that your child follows them at home and in school.