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Online/App Safety

We have had an increasing number of distressed children in school over the last term who have been cyber bullied or threatened via online discussions, online through apps and also when playing online games.

We would ask you to ensure that your child is being safe and respectful online and that you have given permission for them to use these apps, watch you tube videos and also play games which are age inappropriate.

Although instant online access is fantastic for everyone, it needs to be used sensibly and in school we continue to work with children on being safe and respectful online.

We will contact you about any concerns we are aware of at the time, but ultimately, the Police can become involved as it is happening outside of school and we do not want our children coming into school upset or scared.

If you have any concerns or you would like to discuss something with us, please do not hesitate to call the school and we will arrange a meeting with you as together we’ll succeed.