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School Uniform

Our school uniform plays a valuable role in contributing to the very positive school ethos (atmosphere) within our school and it helps to set an appropriate tone for all children to learn.

In Miller Primary all children need to wear a uniform as it instils pride and supports our promoting of Team Miller. It protects your child from social pressures and possible bullying about what they wear as it nurtures a sense of “we are all the same” in the children.

Our uniform is navy blue skirt /trousers/pinafore, a navy sweatshirt or cardigan and a light blue polo shirt. Please do not send your child into school with jeans, joggers or hoodies. Academy Uniforms is based on line and you can order uniform directly from them.

There is an expectation this session that all children wear their uniforms every day and that they bring a PE kit to wear to PE this session including a t-shirt, shorts and a change of trainers/gym shoes.